E-ISSN 2250-0480
Complaints Policy
The Journal offers an author-friendly complaints process that makes sure that an author's submissions are not unfairly rejected and that they are given every opportunity to have a complaint resolved.
Part A: Appeal against Editorial Decisions
Authors are permitted to appeal editorial decisions if they don't agree with them by sending an appeal letter to the editor in chief or managing editor and properly stating their arguments. If the appeal is valid, the Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor may either send the manuscript for a new review or permit the author to make changes to it. The Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor will still have the final decision on whether or not to accept the manuscript in any scenario.
Part B: Editorial Matters
For grievances regarding editorial staff activities, editorial policies, editorial procedures, and editorial content, authors can email the journal with any complaints they have regarding the Policies, Procedures, editorial content, and pertinent actions. (Visit "Contact" of the journal webpage).
Plagiarism Related Issues
Authors who have plagiarized should be informed of their actions, and the journal may be contacted for further action if required.
The journal will get in touch with the appropriate author to clarify the situation and find a solution.
The manuscript would be appropriately retracted, replaced with a corrected instance of the plagiarism, and an acknowledgement of the error, or any other appropriate and acceptable action would be taken.
Complaint Resolution
In order to resolve the complaint as early as possible, the necessary actions and efforts would be made. In some circumstances, a delay may occur because of late response from an organization or other parties must respond. However, the necessary actions would be done, and the complainant would receive updates as frequently as required.
Part C: Non-Editorial Matters
By submitting an email to the managing editor with the complaint over a non-editorial problem, authors can start the procedure for resolution, depending on the nature of the complaint.
Complaint Resolution
The Journal guarantees that complaints are addressed quickly and will make every effort to address complaints. The Journal makes an effort to address complaints as soon as practicable, barring delays caused by outside parties.
Please refer,
COPE Council.COPE Guidelines: A Short Guide to Ethical Editing for New Editors.May 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.8